Originally Posted by Abbhudson
The guy was a child actor, radio announcer, speech and com. major, has literally no medical education and you want to believe the BS he's telling you about how you can cure/prevent cancer with some nutritional supplements?

Hudson, this is the last post I'll make on this subject. The topic of cancer & it's relationship with nutrition is far bigger than Mr. Griffin. He is simply telling you in a more condensed way & summarizing what has already been known for decades. Again, I'm not telling you what to believe or how to handle your own life. By the way- did you not understand that I have personal experience with this info myself, regardless of your thoughts of Mr. Griffin? I guess you're calling me a liar as well. What I can't figure out( you folks here are by no means the first) is the absolute vitriol responses a person can get just by mentioning this info. It's bizarre to say the least & makes no sense. If a person doesn't want to use this info, then don't. Why everyone feels the need to go on a tirade against it, when they know 0 about it is beyond me. Look at it this way- If this is true, & I completely believe that it is, a person has nothing to lose by at least trying to understand it. It would be a shame at some point in the future that it's finally admitted by the certain powers that be that this is true. That all a person had to do to stop cancer was to Include an ingredient in their diet- yet countless people died because of pure stupidity. Hosea 4:6 - "My people perish for lack of knowledge".