Originally Posted by Remington270
Plenty of folks got cancer hundreds of years ago. Well before processed, conveniently available anything. I assure you it's not completely preventable. Man, I wish it was.

Folks from all walks of life from every age of mankind have had cancer & other metabolic diseases. It doesn't matter at what time a person has lived, if they have been deficient in certain nutrients,then disease will occur. Cancer was no where near as prevalent centuries ago as it is today,though. Do you know of anybody that goes for their annual exam to check for scurvy?( Lack of vitamin C.) Or rickets?(lack of vitamin D). Cancer is a metabolic disease,just as these mentioned are. I'm very good friends with a person that had stage 3B lung cancer back in Feb. Of 2006. This person had pet scan numbers that were off the charts- showing it was headed to the brain & going from lymph node to lymph node. Anyone on this site that has certain knowledge knows that stage 3B is basically a death sentence, if going by the standard treatments anyway. They gave said person maybe a year to live. No chemo or radiation was considered. This person applied the knowledge found in the above mentioned book & is alive & well today. The doctors were never told what treatment was done. They were left with their mouths hanging open. Cancer is totally preventable- if you know what to do. It's not hard. Study this book for yourselves & learn. Pay no attention to the scare tactics & "quackery" comments you'll read on line. Decades ago a professor by the name of Beard (I think) noticed that there was really no difference between the pregnancy hormone women generate at conception & cancer. They appeared to be the same. He was correct- they are the same. That's why some folks check theirselves for cancer by simply taking a pregnancy test. You can read about this stuff in the book- as well as what to do about it. Read the book.