Originally Posted by Jakethesnake
I dont see jack squat on a windy day but i refuse to not go cause of it. I have luck right after the rain stops or sharp temp changes.

I think there's a point with wind where deer shut down. Not sure what the specific MPH is but I think there's something to it, whether you're here in Bama or Kansas or Wisconsin.

Some will move, yeah, either if they have to or are bumped. But IMO if they're chilling out, protected in some way (like under a tree or beneath a ridge), and don't have to move, they won't. Wind dulls the ability to hear acutely on the Plains and creates rattling-crackling noises in our woods here, and their nose may not be able to detect scent as well. Eyes possibly could not see movement as well if grass-trees-limbs-brush is moving and swirling.

Nothing's a given but at some point I think the wind makes them booger up until it stops or they absolutely have to move.

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