Originally Posted by Possum Hunter
I made another post on General forum about this, and got some good reviews just thought I’d ask here Incase some didn’t see it... I really want to capatilize on this

So I’m gonna try a throw and mow plot this season... this is my plan, tell me if I am messing up, or what to add...

First off I can not get a tractor, four wheeler, or any thing with wheels to it... I walk along ways to get to the spot on back side of property...

So I have a spot I’m gonna plant that has a bunch of sage grass growing in it. I plan to buy some buck forage oats and maybe a type of wheat. I’m gonna broadcast both and some fertilizer in the area then weed eat the heck out of the sage standing in the area. I plan to do this right before a good rain, whenever that may be around last week of september to second week of October...

Just my opinion I think your gonna waste your money. Typically if sage brush is there generally means you have poor soil conditions. I would not waste my time planting high dollar seeds just throwing them out and using the grass to cover. You might can get away with some type of rye and some other stuff but honestly I’d put a feeder there and be done with it. If your food plot fails then what. A feeder won’t fail and will be more productive then a half way done grass patch. This is my opinion though