Originally Posted by nomercy
The Dr's get paid for writing scrips. Many of them also have ownership in a pharmacy that they refer you too for a (discount) . It's all about $$$$

This is incorrect and could not be farther from the truth. Dr's get bonuses on amount of patients seen, not prescriptions written. Due to the government stepping in. Big Pharma is very limited on the "prizes" they give out for you prescribing their meds. Kick backs for prescribing is essentially non-existent now. MD's/PA's/NP's may get a free meal at a nice restaurant to hear a lecture about the latest and greatest drug, but that is about as far as it will go.

As far as ownership in a pharmacy.....there may be few left out there, but most doctors do not even own their practice anymore. Due to the fact of the governmental red tape along with insurance companies making you jump through hoops in order to get paid, it's not worth the headache of dealing with. This plays right into our governments hands of socialized medicine and controlling one more aspect of our lives.

There are a few bad apples out there, and someone always chasing the almighty dollar. The FDA has done a good job of cracking down on these "Pill-Mills" for pain meds, but it is a process to get it stopped. You're affecting someones lively hood and they want to make sure that they have their duck's in a row before you cut some one off at the knees.

If Caitlyn Jenner can keep his wiener and be considered a woman, I can keep my guns and be considered disarmed!