Oats and wheat on the food plot. Also, big bucks do and will come to corn readily and in daylight hours. You just cannot hunt the stand 4 days a week, on bad winds, and pulling the trigger 3-4 times on small bucks and does standing over the pile. Ever seen those hunting videos from TX where hey are whacking 150-160 class deer standing in the middle of the road eating corn at 9:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon? It's not magic. They bait those areas on a regular basis and keep them baited. Then they dont go in there to hunt it for extended periods of time, then when the time and the wind it right, they slip in and kill. It''ll work the same way in AL if you have the same discipline and commitment.

Last edited by abolt300; 08/26/19 10:57 AM.