Unfortunately people loose their jobs everyday, I don’t wish anything bad for anyone and don’t think they deserve anything worse because they are in a union. BUT
How many have lost a job because of the position the unions put the company in?
Why should reality not be an option just because they pay union dues?
Is it impossible for someone to find a job at 50?
Did the company pay them enough over the span of their careers for the life they “gave” to keep them there.
Did they get a written guarantee when they were hired giving them a lifetime job under their conditions.

I don’t care if it’s about money or bathroom time. You take a job it means you had an agreement, if you’re there 10,20,30 years and nothing improves based on your value as an employee you either suck or should have been looking a long time ago.

I don’t care if it’s me or at&t. We both need help fulfilling our obligations to a customer, if we don’t, we lose customers and go away. Neither of us are the only game in town, someone is supplying that service. If I don’t pay people enough to have good employees, the competition will. When I don’t have enough help to meet my obligations, the competition will. When my competition does a better job than I do, I’m eventually going to change or go away. If the unions hold me hostage and make it to expensive for me to run a successful business, I go away.

Companies are held hostage and put out of business by unions forcing them to deal with sub-par employees being not only kept on the payroll but over paid significantly on a regular basis.

Unions are why jobs started going overseas in the first place but everyone wants to blame BIG Business wanting more profits when actually they probably just wanted to keep some profits and be competitive

Unions served a purpose for a time and then very quickly employees who just had a job started thinking they had more rights than the people who took life changing risk and made huge investment
To start a business

You say union is why many of us make what we do and hell yeah that’s true, it’s also why a pickup truck cost $80k, why US Steel can’t compete and laid 1000’s of people off, why Toyota sells a better American made truck for more money, Why more Fords are built in Mexico, More Chevrolet’s are built in Canada, why Chicago Steel no longer exist, why TVs are made in China and completely why America has become more dependent on foreign goods and services

Last edited by hoggin; 08/25/19 01:14 PM.