Originally Posted by RobertD
Tariffs will hurt US consumers and manufacturers in the short term. The long term benefits will outweigh them by a factor of 100 though. You do realize these aren't permanent don't you? The damage they do to China's manufacturing base may be permanent though. When factories relocate from China to Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, India, etc etc etc They won't soon (if ever) return. The Chicoms are making a HUGE gamble on President Trump not being re-elected. If (hopefully when) he is elected to a second term he will cripple them. Permanently. You may see a revolution in China and communist rule overthrown.

You stand at the precipice of changes unseen since WWII. Don't be blinded by small events. History is being made, and for the first time since JFK and Reagan, there's a man in the White House with YOUR best interests in mind. Hold tight. The future looks better all the time.

^^^This. On the Electronics Manufacturing side, it's running gang busters right now. Lots of business coming back state side. It's to the point, they literally can't find enough employees from both an engineering and production stand point to keep up with demand. RobertD is correct, once factories move or workload is shifted, it's hard to do a 180 on it. The most important election of our lifetime is coming up for sure.

Originally Posted by Patricia Heaton
If you’re a common sense person, you probably don’t feel you have a home in this world right now. If you’re a Christian, you know you were never meant to.