Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Bud Meadows
I can’t believe no Bammers have named Ole Booger Eater Gus as Most Overrated

Everybody in the entire football world knows that Gus sucks as a coach. 90 % of the AU fans think he's a terrible college coach. The only people that dont are the head dogs at AU that gave him that contract. To be overrated, someone actually has to think you're doing a great job.

He's not the most overrated, he is definitely the most overpaid.

I agree with this post. I can't overate Gus because I've never thought he was very good.

I think folks now realize that David Shaw at Stanford may have been the reason for Harbaugh's success there. David is a brilliant mind and coach.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe