Originally Posted by jallencrockett
So the numbers are in and if we dont change then by 2100, 9000 people will die due to climate change / fossil fuels ... Thats actual Bernie numbers who I like way better then most of the other dem pres candidates. It just boggles the mind at the number of millions perhaps billions who would die in poor countries without fossil fuels. Starvation, freezing, famine, .

Good lord at the almost inmmeasureable number of deaths due to no petroleum products being used in pesticides or medicines. Americans who want to eliminate fossil fuel have their head buried so deep in the sand that folks in China are getting hemmorhoids!

Once you understand that none of this is really about climate change or "doing the right thing for the planet or the people" and you understand that it's all about controlling the population, infringing on our rights, freedoms and national sovereignty, while at the same time working toward a World governed by a Socialist elite then it all begins to make sense.

The underlings that actually believe in it and are passionate about it are nothing but expendable pawns in a quest for global domination.

Last edited by Irishguy; 08/23/19 06:27 AM.