Originally Posted by RareBreed
I try to keep it to $200 a day. That’s food, bait, beer and cocktails, fuel for boat for the week and other entertainment, gas for vehicle to and from.
We’ve had a house down in OB since 1949. I’m guessing it was built in 1946. If there is an older cabin still standing down there I’d like to see it. Small, but built like a sheet brick house and withstood a many of hurricanes. Grandfather bought it and 2 lots for 15K. It and two other houses were the only ones on the bay at that time. He used an old Jeep to get to it because the road was just sand.
How times have changed.

Mine bought when yours did too. Only reason we don’t still have the house is Ivan got it. We have a gulf front plot of sand if anybody wants to buy it. But it ain’t cheap

Quietly killing turkeys where youre not!!!
My tank full of give a fraks been runnin on empty
I'm the paterfamilias