Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by BamaGuitarDude
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by BamaGuitarDude
rofl i will say this -- we've gotten a REAL GOOD LAUGH about the events of Friday nite ... hehehe ... she was a good sport about it, and thankfully -- the meal was SUPERB!! man, grouper is fantastic

when i screw up, i like to do it to epic proportions! wink

Did it stink up your house? I won't blacken fish on the back porch where I grill because of the risk of the skillet falling off and starting a fire. So I always do it on the carport. One time I asked my wife to move her car before I cooked and she barely got it off the concrete. The result was that the smoke got into the car and left a fish odor that we could not get out. It still smelled when we traded it.

wow - for real?? my house smells fine now actually ... you must blacken and blue yours, Preach!!! wink

If you did it inside the house, my guess is that you didn't get it nearly as hot as what I do. I set the fish cooker as hot as it will go and preheat the skillet about 5 minutes before dropping in the first of the fish. It creates so much smoke that I can't see the fish for the first 30 seconds or so, and it is an amazing amount of smoke. There is no way that you would watch that and then decide to do that inside the house.

I didn't realize that the smoke was going into the car until it was all over. My wife, of course, blamed me for stinking up her car. I tried to blame her for not getting out far enough, but that didn't work. We make sure that the vehicles are way out of the way since then.

i dunno man ... i heated up my cast iron to 500 degrees in the oven, and then brought it to my eye that was on HI ... if that ain't hot enough, i dunno what is -- the smoke it generated was exactly as you described above -- so much that i couldn't see the fish ... i was swatting the smoke w/my spatula to try & see it ...

i guess i'm thankful it didn't stick around -- goodness!! maybe grouper smoke smells better than whatever it was you cooked ??!! LOL that is funny about your wife & you blaming each other -- i'm sure that'd make for a great sermon on forgiveness wink haha

Last edited by BamaGuitarDude; 08/19/19 02:03 PM.

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