Originally Posted by Clem

For some of the dirtbag trash in the outdoors industry -- we just had a huge thread about Chris Brackett, who abused his camera guy and was convicted of poaching -- we have had a guy from Alabama who for 30 years or more has:

-- promoted hunting and the outdoors lifestyle we love
-- provided jobs
-- not had any poaching-arrest scandals
-- highlighted sports athletes and celebs from orgs that didn't or wouldn't talk about their athletes hunting and killing animals
-- puts on a free expo every year -- if you bring a can of food to be donated to a food bank - that thousands attend
-- was one of the first to launch hunting to the nation on The Nashville Network with his tv show
-- had characters that kids enjoyed and learned things from -- Shotgun Red and Bubba

Is Jackie perfect? Hell no, and neither is his business. They've had some serious issues that can't be overlooked. A lot of businesses are like that.

But in the overall I'll take a bajillion Bushmans than one Brackett any day.

What Clem said. But it's just like the Rick and Bubba bashing that goes on this site. One month it's Aldeer cool to pile on them, then Chuck and then Jackie. I've also have meet Jackie several times and have spoke with him about all the disabled vets and handicapped kids that he and his organization makes possible to go hunting just to thank him for that. The only time we didn't agree on something was a Sirius XM station devoted twenty four seven to hunting and fishing. But I'm a firm believer that if NASCAR and the NHL has a station that one for outdoors man would work.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!