Another weekend of hard work and good eats. I just about kilt myself. This weekend I went from: "I want a tractor" to "I need a tractor."

My new "Gravel Workout." Uses all major muscle groups: Core, legs, back, chest, shoulders, triceps and biceps. No expensive equipment or fancy gym membership required. All you need is a pile of gravel, a wheelbarrow, a shovel, a pick ax, and a rake. These can be obtained at your local hardware store for very cheap. grin

We finished up the French drains at the cabin, built a retaining wall under the firewood storage, leveled off under the lower deck to make a place to store the tractor (I'm about to buy,) built a place to park the garbage can, and a place to keep the two propane tanks for the gas range.

A lot of work for two days. Time for a well deserved cold beer... or three...

We went from this:

[Linked Image]

To this:

[Linked Image]

We also finally finished up the French drains...

[Linked Image]

And made a place for the garbage can...

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And once the French drains were buried made a batter place for the propane tanks...

[Linked Image]

Also made a place to hang the implements of destruction...

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