Originally Posted by BamaGuitarDude
rofl i will say this -- we've gotten a REAL GOOD LAUGH about the events of Friday nite ... hehehe ... she was a good sport about it, and thankfully -- the meal was SUPERB!! man, grouper is fantastic

when i screw up, i like to do it to epic proportions! wink

Did it stink up your house? I won't blacken fish on the back porch where I grill because of the risk of the skillet falling off and starting a fire. So I always do it on the carport. One time I asked my wife to move her car before I cooked and she barely got it off the concrete. The result was that the smoke got into the car and left a fish odor that we could not get out. It still smelled when we traded it.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.