It's funny you say this. I have followed college football since I was a kid. However this year we got the cable cut off and only have the internet at the house. Nothing but broadcast TV and internet through our smart phone WIFI hotspots at the cabin where we will be on the weekends. So this year I plan on not even following football at all for a change. I'll see how that works, but I just got to thinking how stupid it was for me to follow most sports. Just like how silly it is to follow most any modern cultural offerings such as Hollywood movies or watching stupid shows on television.

So this year I think I am going to spend more time outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking, 4 wheeling, working on fun and interesting projects at the cabin, chillin' on the back deck, cooking, grilling, reading good books that actually enrich my life, etc... There is just so much more to life than what passes for modern culture these days. Modern culture from football to movies to television to the media is all so shallow and meaningless.