Originally Posted by strikeu
Originally Posted by noeyeddeer
Originally Posted by GKelly
Originally Posted by strikeu
one other thing we had happen...the sensor got an "over pressure" signal and shut off, had to be reset. I don't know jack chit about AC but they replaced the capacitor and cleared the over pressure alert. this was the second time I called Dallas Heating and Air...they're good folks by the way.

this could also be the problem a weak capacitor will cause the fan to run slower and reject less heat causing the high pressure switch to throw id probably clean the coil and replace the capacitor all at the same time if i was servicing it just for insurance against a call back. assuming those are the 2 most likely causes is just an educated guess without actually putting gauges on it but are also extremely cheap DIY repairs id attempt if I was the OP before I pissed away a few hundred dollars to a service company. should be able to get coil cleaner and a capacitor for around $20-$25

Thank you for this. How do I find what capacitor I need without removing the one on there? I looked at it but everything is so old it's hard to make heads or tails. Thanks for the replies!

when you pull the main cover off the unit there's probably a wiring diagram inside it. mine was faded but those boys had magnifying glasses from planet Zirfuse add read the wiring scheme...but he said he already knew by looking at it...my suggestion is call a service guy. there are some things I have to admit I am just not good at...LOL

diagram wont tell you μF ratings or resistance or much on anything except where the wires go i havent had to look at a diagram in years and you usually cant read them anyway on an old unit