ok Genius, if their is no advantage to hunting over bait then why do so many of you want to make it legal?

Because it would be nice not to have to stop feeding the deer on our land for 2 1/2 to 3 months during each winter when the deer need it the most. Why do we have to stop? Couldn't we just leave them going and not hunt close enough to them to get a ticket? Ahhh, there's the rub isn't it? Nobody, not even the governor of this ####ing state knows what "IN THE AREA" means. So navigating around them becomes a mine field during hunting season if they are left loaded and running. And that's if you are dealing with an honest game warden. All it takes is their word that you were near a feeder and your feeder with corn in it to show the judge and a resurrected F Lee Bailey couldn't get your ass out of the ticket here in Wilcox County. I don't like putting myself in a position where all it takes is someones word to ***k me over. And I know there are good game wardens out there that wouldn't deal dirty like that but there are also some that will "embellish the story a bit" to close the deal on your ass. You can doubt that fact if you want but you do it at your own risk.

The best index to a person’s character is (a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and (b) how he treats people who can’t fight back.
- Abigail van Buren