Originally Posted by hitek
Your sicklepod battle sounds like my Johnson grass battle... If William Johnson was not already 6 feet under I would probably shoot him myself.

I'll go you one better, actually worse. I've got a six acre plot that has some of the best soil in southern Alabama. It's a rich black clay loam that will grow anything, the ph is 6.7. It has sickle pod and Johnson grass. In the past, we've grown corn, soybeans, Milo, sunflowers, peas, etc. This year sprayed prowl h2o pre-emergent. The prowl didn't help much at all. We planted ic peas, sunflowers corn and Milo. All grew well along with the johnson grass, sickle pod, pigweed, morning glory, etc.
Deer are using the hell out of it, wiped out sunflowers, worked over the peas but they are hanging in, even browsing the pigweed. It's getting so thick the weeds are sheltering the peas, corn is 5-6' tall.
Too good dirt not to plant but we need to figure out how to deal with the johnson grass and sickle pod