Originally Posted by ikillbux
rofl loco Let's see.... I called gun nuts weirdos (and you ARE to me)...I did not say GUNS are weird, NOTHING about ANY of my replies whatsoever are actually about GUNS, it's about weird PEOPLE. I'm going to repeat it, because I know what Nascar lovin', tobacco spittin, 3rd grade reading comprehension some here have. I have no strong opinion about a GUN, no kind of GUN, I don't care if you own any kind of GUN (even "scary" machine guns, sheesh y'all are freakin' impossible), in fact I said no fewer than 5X that I am 100% for me and you owning Apache helicoptors and "scary machine guns" and nuclear freakin' warheads if you want one. I am 101% against ANY restrictions whatsoever, you can have a billion round belt hooked to a mini-gun if you want it, with a bump stock and whatever the heck else all the nutjobs incessantly talk about on television. My point was to (humorously, to me) say that most of the folks I come across who are into guns, particularly not the type of guns 99.99999999% of all humans on earth have hunted with for mine and your lifetimes, are always socially awkward and weird to me. If that's YOU, fine!!!...but spare me your sermons on how that makes me Hillary Clinton's lovechild and afraid of "scary machine guns" and I hate the military. What. In. The. Hell????? Talk about making a gymnastics leap to connect dots that aren't there, sheesh.

And spare me your sermons about how ALL guns were born as military weapons. Good Lord. If you can't make the simple connection that there's a VISUAL difference between STYLES of guns for sake of conversation, then you're just being an ass trying to make a cute point in return (just like y'all did that time about "single barrel" guns). 10,000 posts on here stereotyping people based on 10,000 viewpoints, but now y'all gon' get all self-righteous and defensive about it hunh? Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!!!!!!! Y'all make some of the most niche, obscure descriptions about certain types of people, but not a damn one of ya will admit that there's a "look/personality" about the "gun nut"? Y'all just gon' play dumb on that, eh? Um humh.

There's a reason for the intentional design of a gun for sales and marketing purposes, and I don't buy for a damn minute that's because of lightweight, modularity, easy of cleaning, accuracy of shooting, or ANY other horsecrap reason like that. You can find ANY and ALL of those reasons with ANY and ALL guns. PERIOD! That argument simply won't hold up under the weight of objectivity. There's also a reason nearly EVERY mass murdering WEIRDO sick bastage uses a "non traditional, non hunting" type of gun! And do NOT, NOT, NOT try to play some stupid game of "there's no such thing as traditional hunting guns, they all used to be military guns", don't even insult me with that crap. You know good and dang well what I'm talking about. For mine and your whole lifetime, everybody you know has hunted with the same types of guns, and they didn't LOOK like the automatic machine guns carried in war. If I was going into a crowded store to mass murder, I'd take my turkey gun and #1 buckshot, it would be way more effective. Because I bought that gun for effectiveness, not because I was a weirdo enamored with the look of a machine gun (that isn't even a machine gun at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Let me make that point again: Why are all these fruitcakes obtaining a gun to LOOKS like the fully-auto guns our military carries, but aren't actually fully-auto??? They could buy ANY other semi-auto gun that LOOKS like the traditional hunting rifle and accomplish the same thing. There's a subconscious thing they are acting upon, and the LOOK of that gun is feeding it. If you disagree with that, again you're being willfully ignorant (that means dumb on purpose) Once again, let me clarify, I'm NOT TALKING ABOUT THE DANG GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM NOT AT ALL SUGGESTING TO LEGISLATE OR RESTRICT!!!!!!! I AM RADICALLY AGAINST "GUN CONTROL" AND DO NOT BELIEVE IN SUCH A THING. But you're being willfully ignorant and a jackass if you're gonna stiffen your lips and pretend there's not a common "stereotype" who buys those guns. I'm not even against those people!!!!!!!!! I was simply making an observation. There's nothing illegal about being weird At NO point in ANY of my assertions have I said, nor do I believe in or want, ANY kind of legislation or government intrusion into ANY kind of people or guns or related products, PERIOD!!!!!!!!! Are we clear now?

Let me see if this helps... Go Trump, yay Dale Earnhardt, Billy Graham is supernatural, and Red Man is the best tasting chew. Good grief, y'all kill me sometimes.

Wow..NOW IM getting scared.

I didnt know you DIDNT eat wild game..you just KILL it for your own Perverse enjoyment. shocked

That is crazy, usually some kind of freaking WEIRDO! Ask ANY liberal! slap

At least those "Gun Nuts" that you see that do not hunt dont feel it needed to actually KILL THINGS! Whew! shocked

I always read that ALL serial killers just started killing ANIMALS NOT TO EAT, but purely for enjoyment! That is a "Red Flag" liberals say of more killing "for fun" to come..but with possibly people.

I also read that anyone who uses A LOT OF CAPS and Exclamation points is borderline unstable! And can snap anytime! Another so called "Red Flag". Very very emotional, self righteous and angry or very confused, or a LETHAL combination of ALL of them.

At least you dont think youre the best fishermen on here...as that would be the straw that broke the camels back! Thats usually another "red Flag"

Uh..oh...wait..I was just looking back thru the Fishing Forum!

Boys we might have a problem here!

And he thinks "Gun Nuts" are crazy?

OK..Im definitely NOT going to the aldeer get together now. grin

Last edited by outdoorobsession; 08/06/19 04:46 PM.