Originally Posted by toothdoc
No idea how gay marriage ended up on this thread, but gay, straight, black, white, rich, poor, we ALL benefit from a free society. The best way to assure that free society is maintaining the ability to defend it from all aggressors foreign or domestic. The guys who wrote the constitution were some smart forward thinking fellas who just came out from under the thumb of a tyrannical government and were pretty intent on making sure that never happened again.

I agree and I hope I would be man enough to defend any persons life in our country who was attacked by evil. Yesterday I was listening to George Carlin and he had a heck of a point. The constitution is the foundation and the ideals it represents should be held high but Carlin did point out the lunacy of the framers proclaiming that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, yet some of the authors owned slaves... Tyrannical actions did not just stay in Europe. We can only endeavor to love our neighbors and live in a way that reflects that basic most forward thinking of all commandments.