Originally Posted by Gulfcoast

Fantastic.... We all are so proud of you.

Now, If I had a list of what to eat and what not to eat I might could get started.

Seriously,just no sugar and no grain and no potatoes. After that you have to adjust everything to how it suits you and makes you feel. For instance,I ate some tomatoes for the first time in several months athe other day. I stopped months and months ago because I heard they could cause inflammation ,being of the nightshade family. I could tell the next day and for about 3 days. I had some joint pain and some inflammation that I had not had for months.

What you really need to do is eat as much of a variety of fresh uncooked vegetables as you can,Kale,Broccoli,cauliflower cabbage,spinach, cucumbers,lettuce,avocados,botchoy, peppers of all kinds.The more fibrous the better. I also eat eggs,cheese,and very low carb greek yogurt.
I eat all kinds of meats but I've tried to learn which ones make me feel better. I can now tell the difference.

That's one thing that changes over time and after you get off the sugar addiction. The perception of why you eat completely changes after about 3 months completely off sugar or sugar substitutes. I now eat the most healthy and nutritious foods I can. My perception of what that consists of has changed as my knowledge about proper nutrition has increased. When I get hungry,I don't think in terms of"what would taste good right now. I think in terms of ,what would really make me feel great right now. I make shakes out of kale,avocado,broccoli,banana,coconut milk,blueberries, strawberries,and greek yogurt. I'm pretty radical now,but you have to be to lose 150 lbs in a year and wind up healthy at the end.

Basically I monitored myself and paid attention to how I felt,and adjusted my diet and exercise to feel the best. I don't even think that would be the same for everybody.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 08/03/19 10:11 AM.