The most eye opening thing is how my perception of what,or who is healthy has changed. I look at pictures of friends I always thought of as thin,and I see them with an unhealthy gut. I'm not anorexic either. I have ate every time I was hungry and I've never been hungry on this diet. I simply live off about 70% raw,fresh green vegetables, and very little high quality meats like sardines, Salmon, lean beef, turkey, and some pork, I can definitely tell the difference when I eat too much meat or pork.

Anyway,back to my health observations.

I recently heard that over 80% of Americans consider themselves healthy with 2 or more of the top 10 killer diseases. The study concluded that Americans consider their comfort as health. As long as they feel like doing what they want to do,they think they are healthy. The problem is that most of what we want to do is sit,drink beer,and watch TV.

The way I'm starting to look and feel is alien to most people. I've heard several rumors that I have cancer. My wife has been asked twice if I've become anorexic. In reality my muscle tone and skin appearance has only improved. I don't look sick.I look healthy,which I've come to realize is a completely foreign concept to most people where I live because they don't see many really healthy people. If I'm bragging at all I'm bragging on the Lord. He is the one who has guided me every step and I could preach about that for hours,but I digress.

When I started at 330lbs I thought if I could just get to 230 I would look fantastic. The thing is though that I don't have and have never really had a target weight. I just eat perfect,and get lots and lots of exercise,with good rest as well, and it all happens.

I just thought a while ago that I am now at 180 and still dropping while at the same time getting stronger.faster,and seemingly younger in every way! It really is freaking AMAZING to me! I am very close to L sits and fully suspended push ups. I mean doing pushups with nothing touching but your hands,but still in a horizontal position. I can do 25 on one toe holding about 20 lbs on that toe.

What I'm saying is that my perception of what a man is supposed to be able to do at a certain age has changed completely! I realize I've wasted 20 years and can't get them back! I'm begging you guys not to do the same thing I did ,and waste all those years!
Do some youtube searching of amazing people,and you can see what is really possible. I'm starting to believe nearly anything is possible,and more importantly I am beginning to see just how poor,sick,broken,and crippled,most us us are and we didn't even know it! I think Jesus told some folks that same thing a while back.

God bless you all!

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 08/03/19 09:52 AM.