Originally Posted by BREEZE1
I bought a kestral, right after season last year. Now I have done bought a perch, lone wolf sticks and a badlands backpack. Got into more money than I expected and not sure im sold on it yet. I have spent a little time in it and shot 10 arrows or so from it. I set in it one day for close to a hour just seeing how the comfort was. It seemed ok but I would sit a while and stand or lean a while. Shooting doesn't seem quiet as easy as they say. Didn't have any trouble hitting the target but sure seems like a lot of movement right off. I mean if you have a deer sneak in on your off side and a little behind you, you have to swing your whole body around to the side towards the deer to shoot that direction. Shooting say in front and a little to the right side is also gonna take more movement and practice than a lockon or whatever, I am honestly a little disappointed but trying to stay optimistic and really

"looking forward to season to really do some real testing. It is a little cumbersome starting out also but I am thinking like anything else a little time and practice I will get a system down.

can you get someone to move your targets around while your up a tree? I think I would want to get it all sorted about before season. I am looking forward to hearing your experience as well as the others using saddles for the first time.