Originally Posted by blahblahblah
Blumsden, almost every throw and grow I have ever seen has either gulf annual ryegrass or tetraploid ryegrass. That is not the same as cereal or grain or winter rye. If left to itself ryegrass can choke out a food plot.

Oh i'm well aware of what ryegrass is. Cereal rye and wheat will sprout in the bed of your truck. Small seeds like brassica's and clovers are simple to grow, as well. The one's I've seen didn't have ryegrass. I hate ryegrass. I don't by a lot of mixes, certainly none with ryegrass as a component. Nowadays, i'm content with letting my fall planted yucchi clover and perennial clovers feed my deer thru the summer. Yucchi hangs around into June and the perrenials feed after that. Late august i'm preparing to get brassica's planted early September so I get good bulb growth.