Originally Posted By: abolt300
Originally Posted By: hunterbuck
Anyone find it odd that there has been little/no comment from some of the ones here who have openly supported legalizing baiting?

Not gonna affect most of the ones supporting it. We're in Alabama, chances are large portion of them were already baiting anyway. Now it will just be legal. If anything, I was expecting to start seeing complaints show up cause some of them will now have to go buy a feeder instead of just throwing it on the ground. Not in any way disrespecting the law abiding citizens that wanted the ability to bait with that first sentence. In some situations they probably want the ability to keep their deer from getting baited illegaly off their property which is a valid argument and has been happening for years. Without a complaint, a blind eye has been turned to the hunting over corn issue for years in AL. Too much land, too many hunters, not enough game wardens to keep it in check.

Not going to name names, but there are two or three specific ones that I was thinking of with that statement.

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?