This is going to be a very specific question that I’m sure not many people have dealt with. I’ve searches the internet up and down and can not find an answer so I’m hoping someone here can give me some insight. I have a 2006 Toyota Tacoma with what i have narrowed down to be the TRD quickshifter in it. I bought the truck a few weeks ago so i didn’t install it. But when I’m driving i get a buzzing sound from the shifter and if i lift the shifter up and take the slack out of it it stops. This morning i took the shifter out thinking it was the lever bushings but figured out that it’s actually a 2 piece shifter with the top piece being pretty much a hollow tube, that’s the part the shift ball is attached too. With all that being said i can wiggle the shifter and the hollow tub will wiggle back and forth but the actually shifter rod that goes into the trans is tight as can be so it’s not slack in the trans. Apparently a bushing is worn out in the tube but i cant for the life of me find replacement bushings online nor can i figure out how to get it apart. Has anyone else experienced this and fixed it? I apologize if that sounds confusing lol. If need be you can message me your number and i can send you a video of what I’m trying to explain. Thanks in advance!

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you’re and idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt