Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by Bigbamaboy
Still ain’t working. I go to google photos and click create link?

No. Go to Google Photos online in Google Chrome. You need to have it set up to where your photos from your phone upload to to Google Photos automatically. So when you go to Google Photos they should already all be there. Then open the photo in your browser by clicking on it. Then right click on that and click "copy address." Then past the and ad the ?.jpg to the end.

Ok may not work for me. I operate off my phone. Haven’t turned on a computer in a year.

I have the google photos app on my phone. My photos automatically back up to it, and I’ve posted pics on here before from google photos, but can’t get it to work now. Also tried the post image site, which also used to work, but I can’t get it to work now either. I tried for an hour the other evening, but can’t get anything to work. Pretty frustrating.

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?