Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by buckhunter2
Originally Posted by Out back
They failed to buy a permit from ADEM. Had they bought the appropriate permit this would never make the news. Just buy the permits and pollute all you want.

No amount of money will “buy a permit” for a municipality to intentionally discharge untreated raw sewage into waterways in AL.

Please post a link to said permit on ADEM’s website. I’ll even show you where to look.. http://www.adem.state.al.us/DeptForms/default.cnt

Now it may be cheaper to pay the fine than to comply but you can’t simply buy a permit in advance to discharge raw untreated sewage.

So what is your job title with ADEM?

I don’t work there. I just happen to know a “little” about how the permitting process works (unlike most on here) and was attempting to bring some intelligence to the conversation.

My apologies for letting facts get in the way of a good Aldeer rant!

Now I fully understand why Doekiller doesn’t get involved in legal discussions on here any more.

I’ll be waiting patiently for you to post up that “permit” 🙄

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