Originally Posted by bhammedic84
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by bhammedic84
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
If I get a ticket for telling a GW to GFY because he wrote a stupid ticket, that is something I'm sure I will have no problem finding a lawyer to defend me. Respect is earned, it is mot given, even if you wear a badge.

it wont be a ticket, it will be silver bracelets and trip to the county jail if he was really wanting to make a point

That would be a good day for an attorney. My attorney.

why would it be a good day. i mean hell you break the law then you pay the price.. plus a number of the wardens i know now wear body cams so its not you said/he said deal if it on camera you acting a fool to the point of getting a disorderly charge then sorry for ya but and reputable lawyer will say sorry bud..

i tell ya what respect them and they will respect them, act like an ass and get treated the same. it goes back to what you probably have been told as a kid "treat people the way you want to be treated"

I have no problem if he's doing his job, but when they start giving tickets like in an earlier post for fishing without a license, or like I got 30 years ago from a GW, I'm not going to be silent.

I've had good and bad experiences with LEO's, and there have even been a couple of times when I probably should have been arrested or gotten a ticket. I knew it and was thankful and expressed my thanks to the LEO. I've also experienced the type of dickhead LEO who abuses the authority granted to them. This type usually reveal themselves right away when you interact with them, and they do not deserve, nor shall they receive any respect from me.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe