Originally Posted by AlabamaSwamper
Originally Posted by NSDQ160
Originally Posted by AlabamaSwamper
Probably BS or half the story

But I’ve met and dealt with some poor character GWs up here in Lauderdale and Colbert over the years (actually straight up arse holes) and couple that with the lies and backdoor crap in Montgomery I wouldn’t be shocked she is telling the truth. The DCNR May be the most crooked agency in Montgomery.

Thankfully we have some great wardens up here now that do their job but talk to you like a human being.

You ain't talking about initials DW are you?

I was there the day he wrote a lady a ticket for fishing without a license at McFarland. It was about 2pm on a Sunday about mid summer. Before the harbor was cleaned up. She was in her Sunday dress and had her two boys about 4 and 7 years old.

Her youngest , actually both of them but her youngest got tired and handed his snoopy doo rod with the white plastic hook, yeah, the play hook to his mom. She reeled it up.

No bait, they were playing, pretending.

He wrote her a ticket.

She called her husband from the pro shop where I was working and he was furious. A Florence park ranger went and cussed said warden and got him to throw the ticket away. What a jerk

The lady was bawling the whole time.

He tore our truck apart once on a wma. We asked why after gladly telling him he could search it. He was an arse and I cussed him like I’ve never cussed anyone before.

I had one memory of a Colbert warden in the early 80s. He was a jerk too. He tried to get my dad and uncle for hunting over bait that was literally over a mile away.

What’s this game warden’s name?