Many of you have probably seen this on Facebook posts by Micah Allison. Very unhappy camper.

It’s funny that this photo memory comes up today as much as I’ve been talking about this lately. It’s sad how quickly a dream can sour. 7 years ago I entered a career as a Game Warden. Within the first 2 1/2 years of my over 5 years served in this capacity, Alabama’s Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, law Enforcement Division had me so miserable in a job that I otherwise loved, that my closest friends and my partner urged me to leave the agency. After a lifetime of having been in male-dominated fields to include a full contract served in the Marine Corps, I finally experienced what it’s like to be the woman trying to make her way through Alabama’s good ol boy system. After being repeatedly harassed and sabotaged by my partner in Russell County, and after filing a 6 page complaint that went (intentionally) improperly handled by the Montgomery office (I was first urged not to file it because he’d lose his recent promotion); after being subjected to discriminations and unjust “punishments” by an absolutely worthless lieutenant (now a Captain, likely equally as worthless), after complaining to my Captain that I had finally had enough, that I expected something to be done about the awful treatment that I was receiving (verified to him by my then partner) or I would be filing a formal complaint to state HR (who would be unable to shove it under the rug like the agency did), they finally came up with a way to shut me up.
I was steam rolled into resigning my position by a confirmed liar of a Chief, Mr. Matt Weathers. The liar, who sought a reason to get rid of me. Who sought out documentation regarding an investigation that i was involved in years before I ever entered law enforcement (an investigation i advised i was questioned in in my employment documentation). An investigation in which I was questioned solely for the purpose of obtaining information on a law enforcement officer who I once got steroids for. A law enforcement officer who was at that time a Mobile County game warden and who continues in the agency now serving in Baldwin County. A game warden who admitted to me that he was still using steroids around the time of my resignation. A game warden that lied to the agency about his involvement while I was honest. A game warden who was told ‘keep your head down, go back to work and, don’t talk to Micah’. (I have all this recorded, btw). While the liar Chief Weathers threatened my future in law enforcement by making me believe that he could take my certification, that I wasn’t legally allowed to be or qualified to be a law enforcement officer (not true, i have found). That Game Warden, the one that was using steroids while employed in enforcement, the one who’s name is all throughout the interview transcript, was not fired nor pushed toward resignation. Why? Because he’s not a woman who was fed up with years of mistreatment and willing to do something about it. (By the way, Mr. Weathers, If i was unqualified to be a law enforcement officer, why did you tell the state attorney at my “hearing” that i just didn’t fit in with the agency and that I could make a great officer in another Agency, to include the State Troopers? Tell me that’s not true and I’ll play the recording for you.)
After spending over 5 years as a very good and unappreciated officer in the state of Alabama, after hearing the stories firsthand from other female Game Wardens about the abuse and mistreatment (to include physical) they endured during their time in that agency, after watching some of my closest female friends go through similar and equally unnerving mistreatment in other agencies in the state of Alabama, I would NEVER, EVER recommend a female entering law enforcement in this state. Not because we can’t do the work- I was a much better officer (as are some of my female LE friends) than many, if not most of my male counterparts- but because the institution of discrimination is so ingrained in the state of Alabama. I NEVER thought I would say something like that. I am no liberal feminist. I am no snowflake. But neither am I a fool. I saw it. I experienced it. I recognize it. And I am willing to call it exactly what it is.
For any woman who does not heed my warning, I offer to you some suggestions, passed down from discussions with my attorney.
You better: Be willing to write down every instance of mistreatment you revive, even before you recognize it as having anything to do with your gender. Be willing to label it, verbally and formally as gender discrimination AS IT HAPPENS. Not after the fact. Be willing to file complaint after complaint after complaint specifically naming names, dates, and details- as well as labeling it as gender discrimination in each complaint. Recognize that doing all of this WILL be both the fuel and solution to your problems on the job. Men will not want to work with you. They will not want to talk to you. You will be an outcast. You will be the enemy.
Fact is, no one wants to live like that. Women want to go to work and do their job and make friends and succeed. Unfortunately, without such, there is NO recourse. It IS a rock and a hard place. It IS a legal Catch 22. And for me, it IS NOT WORTH IT.
I loved my job. I was good at my job. I went above and beyond in my job. I spent too much time away from my family- giving and fighting and striving to do something i enjoyed and wanted to excel at as much as possible. But for the hell that agency put me through... none of it was worth that shitty $40,000 a year. None of it. Your bulldoodoo was my blessing. And now I’m doing fabulous. And they are still liars and cowards. Especially you, Mr. Baldwin County Coward.


"Arguing on the internet is like playing chess with a pigeon. You may be good at chess, but the pigeon is just going to knock all the pieces down, take a crap on the table, and strut around like its victorious."--Anonymous