I was gonna go to the Dr in the morning, but why waste the money and time when you guys could diagnose it for free, and also be more likely to get it right. So what kind of plague have I got?

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The plague itself is not something I'm worried about, but I am supposed to have back surgery Thursday and I'm afraid they will cancel if I go in like this. It took months to get this set up, and I would really hate to have it cancelled. So I need to know what this is, and how to cure it in 24 hrs. Also, I think it would help credibility if I told the hospital that Dr Outback said it was ok to have the surgery.

My feet and legs are covered with this mange. I have guessed shingles, scabies, measles, and bubonic plague. Any help would be appreciated.

Last edited by poorcountrypreacher; 07/16/19 10:57 PM.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.