I picked up a variety of CBD products over in Rome, Ga. a few weeks ago. 500mg oil, Pain relieving lotion (both hot and cold), a few grams of bud and some other items. My wife and I have both been using it for about two months and we have noticed a SIGNIFICANT change in our sleep patterns. It does help us fall asleep for certain and it has been very helpful with my arthritis in my thumbs and my knees. The lotion we use is the best we have ever used, bar none.

You can buy some oils that are not good quality. I would be very careful when purchasing the oils. Make certain it is from a reputable source. As far as smoking the buds, they smell and taste like regular pot but it gives you a calming feeling somewhat different from pot and the great thing about it is that is perfectly legal. My wife is tested at her work for drugs on a regular basis and she was concerned that she would test positive for THC. So far all of her test have been negative.

I will continue buying it and using the different products we have selected until someone tells me I can't and then I will figure out a way around that.

"Don't cling to Mistake, just because you spent a lot of time making it."