Originally Posted by headshot1
Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by headshot1
I don’t think it has anything to do with preparation after the kill or before cooking. It taste like liver to me and I can’t stand it. If you think about it though you are cooking ground deer well done, no w cook a tenderloin like that and tell me what it taste like?? I do know people that say there is no difference in ground beef or venison but I’m not one of them.

If it taste like liver then you're eating a gut shot deer that's been rode around in the back of pickup half the day

I may not be the best shot in Alabama but I’m good enough to know when they are gut shot and when they aren’t. I also don’t condone riding a deer around in the back of the truck half of the day showing him off either. People have different taste buds obviously. I have a Hobart grinder and grind deer for friends who say it’s awesome but it’s definitely not for me.

I absolutely hate liver of any kind and wouldn't eat deer meat if it tasted like liver to me, the only time I've ever eaten deer meat that taste like liver was a piece of cube steak, from buck that had been gut shot.

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