Originally Posted by Be_Cam
I make bream baskets for the creeks and use the baits, “creek bream, horny heads, spot tails, crawfish etc” for bait. May have to haul em 20 miles at a time, but I’ll take my chances I guess. Can’t catch that bait in the lake, or I can’t anyway.

On a side note, I know a guy that asked the GW what was the difference in using a crappie for bait instead of a bream, GW said $50!! Lol

When I was a kid I would spend Saturday morning catching bream, suckers, or whatever I could out of the creek and my grandfather and I would use them to set out catfish lines in the river that afternoon. Such innocent activities will now be illegal. I've done something similar as an adult for striper fishing and never hurt a thing in the world.

If Asian carp are the problem, why not simply make it illegal to transport Asian carp? I've never seen a govt agency take so many adversarial positions against the people as this one.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.