Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by jb20
Originally Posted by FurFlyin
The big rain split and missed us but we did get some. We sure needed it and more.

Dang I drove from snead to albertville in a downpour at 4pm

I was at the shop, in town, when it rained. Didn't get much there. When I got home, 3 miles away, we had 1.1" in the rain gauge. Very thankful for it.

I started baling hay this morning around 10:30. About half way through the long drive chain on the baler broke and got mangled. Luckily we use and sell that size chain at the shop. I had a guy run me 20' to the house, got it replaced and got finished rolling hay about 45 minutes before it started raining.

Good deal... we need more here also but we ain't as bad as sum folks on here

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin