Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
I don’t have the emotion of hate, only love, affectless, and disdain.

People worried about wildlife management or law enforcement are usually motivated by the emotional spectrum of the following:


Both are really only good for writing reports.

I sure hope this helps...

Originally Posted by TurkeyJoe
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
I had the unfortunate task of working with three letter agencies. They are on par with wildlife biologist, LEO’s, and liberals, I despise them.

I’m curious mister, you got some good reasons for despising wildlife biologists and police, or you just naturally hateful?

I know a lot of guys on both sides and I can honestly say that they are not motivated by any thing that you have listed. Have you ever actually talked to a biologist or an LEO?

"You cant manage a deer herd with acorns."

-Dr. Craig Harper