Kids of today are no different than kids of the past generations in that they are mostly a product of the parenting they've recieved. They don't act better because they weren't taught better. So the lack of manners today are just a reflection on the parents of the last couple of decades. Mainly my generation.

The current generation of kids have almost no chance because even when they have 2 parents in the household it's hard for those parents to teach them when everyone, including the parents, are glued to their mobile devices. I'm in restaurants daily and see whole families from babies to parents , all glued to their screens. They never speak and they never look up.

I spend more time than I should on my phone but my 14 year old daughter knows when we sit down to eat neither of us picks our phone up. The people we should be talking to and correcting aren't kids. They are our friends. That won't be popular and we may find ourselves without those friends if we speak up but it's not going to change until it's acknowledged.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"