There is nothing wrong with going and visiting FBC, go with your eyes upward to heaven and your ears and heart listening to the word of God. Come back and talk about it as a family. At night, you and your wife pray about where to lead the family. Don't let one person or even a handful keep you from enjoying a church. You are always, always going to have those acting holier than thou. It may take more than once or twice to really get a feel for the church. Do not worry if that is not the church you are lead after you go, go try another. There is the family that is out there for you.

The devil knows pornography, alcohol, drugs, every curse word, and he also knows the Bible and realizes that there truly is a God a lot better than most of us. How do you think he knows where to get each one of us? He has talked with God and watched him. He has interacted with him one on one. The devil is in every church.

Don't let the music if it's loud turn you off. Look at the others and how they are worshipping. Is it sincere, are they filled with love for the Lord? It may look like a rock concert, but is it honest and sincere. Remember, King David was mocked for dancing and singing (too much for some, even his wife) loudly to the Lord.

Don't let one or two drunks turn you off to a place. If that was the case, many should not have gone to church with me for years, drinking/girls/not living correctly.

“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill
The most difficult thing to understand during conversation is silence. Thoreau