Originally Posted by capehorn24
I guess I'll be the prick, you own a lot in Mexico beach and from the readings of this post I'm getting the felling you have not laid eyes on said property since the hurricane. If so why? I thinking I would know what trees/size because I own the lot.

Anyhow good luck finding someone or be careful.

You can be a prick if you want...

But to answer your question:

1. We bought the property about 5 years ago when the prices were still depressed as an investment. With the intention to eventually build a small beach cottage on it. So far that has worked out well, seeing as we were going to wait until we finished the cabin and then save up money for the beach house and pay cash for it as well. It's a good thing we waited. It's worked out good, because the property has just about tripled in price in 5 years.

2. We have seen the property plenty of times. We stop by there every time we are in Mexico Beach on vacation. However we are usually too focused on hanging out at the beach, eating good seafood, drinking beer and tequila and having "condo sex" to sit on Arizona Drive counting pine trees and measuring each one. grin

3. The reason we haven't looked at the property since the hurricane is that: A. We have been busy working on the cabin. B. There's hardly any place to stay down there. C. We wanted to stay the hell out of everyone's way trying to put their lives back together.

In other words, we knew the lot was going to be there when we decided to build, so the size or the amount of the trees have never been an issue until post Michael.

We always knew in the back of our minds that we were going to have to clear the lot and build it up in order to build. Before the hurricane we always knew that one day we would address that through a contractor. All the contractors we talked to prior to the hurricane about building the beach house told us that the lot clearing and hauling in fill to build up the elevation at was included in the package price, so we never worried about it until we got the letter from the City.

Last edited by Irishguy; 06/26/19 05:59 PM.