Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by NSDQ160
Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by NSDQ160
I wonder if we could urge our state lawmakers to draft some kind of legal paperwork to keep that organization out of our state. Honestly what good do they serve?

I am a devout Christian and I agree with the principle of separation of Church and State because I realize that one day Christianity will not be the popular religion in this country (it seems that day is coming sooner than later). But this particular group is only for removing Christian symbols and bothering Christian people. They remind me of Planned Parenthood.

Where is this separation of church and state in the constitution? Also, it's his personal page so his postings are protected under the 1st ammendment.

I never said it was in the constitution, I said I agree with the principle. Abolishment of slavery wasn't in the constitution either but I agree with it also. The point is there will come a day, whether it be in my lifetime, my son's or his son's, that Christianity will be persecuted openly in the streets far worse than anything we've ever imagined. If we uphold that principle then Islam, or Buddhism or whatever the religion of choice then can never be forced on us.

Actually, the abolishment of slavery is in the constitution. It's the 13th amendment. It's not hard to see why our country is where it is when even those who claim conservatism don't know the basics of our founding documents and the intentions of those who wrote them.

Our founding fathers were against the establishment of a national religion but make no mistake, this country was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. Do I think we should teach and promote Christianity in public school? No. Nor do I think we should be teaching humanistic and secular propaganda, but we do.

That's not in the original constitution, that's an amendment..... that was my point. Before you go trying to personally insult me why don't you try comprehending what I'm typing. An amendment to the constitution is not in it's original body.