Originally Posted by tbest3
Originally Posted by Dallas County
I don't see how you guys had only 6 weeks to recover. My son did his playing football, and he did accelerated rehabbed at Andrews every day for months and it was 4 months before they released him to play baseball and he still wasn't anywhere near 100%.

When I tore mine I had surgery the first week of November and pitched our first game mid February. Think I went 4 innings. I wasn't 100% though and honestly probably pushed it too hard too soon, but it was my senior year.
thats exactly what my son did his junior year. He was lead off and played CF, they relied on his running and sliding and he couldn’t do it efficiently. He basically missed most of the season and there went his potential college baseball career. He played his senior season both sports but it was still a hindrance then.

not sure what the best way to handle them is but they shouldnt be on tv and gettn married and raisin kids