Originally Posted by Dallas County
I hate to accuse them of it, but it sounds like the city might have a contractor on retainer and they are using an excessive fee to compensate/supplement for some other work shortages. It'd be pretty bold and criminal to do that, but it's been done before.

Highly unlikely. It’s hard to grasp the situation if you haven’t seen it. There isn’t 1 out of 10 structures in Mexico beach that is habitable at this point and the hurricane happened in October. A lot of Mexico beach was old beach bum types that don’t particularly have the money to rebuild/didn’t have insurance/insurance settlements that are being made quickly are not near covering the costs. The city is trying to move the rebuild and cleanup process along because they have 0 revenue if there aren’t any tourists. If they leave it be, it will still look like a warzone 5 years from now. And to complicate things everything will have to be brought up to current code, which will cost 2x.