Originally Posted by Ryano
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
Originally Posted by bigcountry692001
I can’t stand it when people are pulling up the pump in different directions. Go in one way and exit one way it a lot less of a cluster phuck.

That would work great if every car maker put the gas cap on the same side of the car on every vehicle. Until they do, just not feasible.

What would be the difference? You have the option of pulling to the left hand pump or the right hand pump. Coming the other direction they reverse. Or am I missing something?

Correct. You have the choice of using the R/L pump it seems crazy until you see it. It’s like that on Fort Bragg and it’s less chaotic, you still get traffic when it’s busy but you don’t have people going every damn direction trying to get gas.

"You cant manage a deer herd with acorns."

-Dr. Craig Harper