Originally Posted by straycat
Get everything in writing on scope, specifications and details and especially any changes.

Use change orders.

Get backup documents on draw requests. Go over this regularly.

Talk to the subs to make sure they are getting paid properly.

Discuss with builder the plans regarding water management: grade with positive slope, flashing details at floor line, windows, doors, penetrations, roof/wall intersections, siding terminations and sealants at dissimilar materials WELL before the framing is completed.

Water intrusion and water management is the #1 issue in the vast majority of construction projects. Also #1 most preventable problem with attention to detail.

If you are not in an area with a building inspection department, hire someone who can check for minimum code standards. The 2015 IRC is the state adopted building code that applies to all counties and municipalities that have not specifically adopted an IRC code (previous versions and/or their own ammendments) and have their own building inspectors.

Solid advice. Do not have any exterior door exposed directly to rain. It will lead to water issues down the road.
Place plenty of lighting in the attic.
Proper AC air vent placement is important for efficient cooling and lower power bills. Contractors often cut corners with these to run least amount of duct work possible. Ask contractor for layout and have someone that knows what to do review before installing.