Originally Posted by BPI
Iraq was a hotbed of Jihadist's. Plain and simple.

There were no jihadists in Iraq under Sadam Hussein's regime.
He did not allow it.
He did not allow anything that was a threat to his Baathist Party regime.

Al Qaeda moved into Iraq AFTER the U.S. invaded and disbanded the Iraqi National Army.

History 101.

Also History 101: Hussein did not promote or sponsor any terrorism in the U.S.

Also, Hussein was OUR ALLY during Iraq's war against Iran, and we supplied him weapons to fight that war.


The problem is not Muslim jihadis per se but rather Islam and all Muslims.
Their entire demon made religion and most aspects of their culture is evil and putrid.

That is why the way to deal with Islam in not to invade their countries, but to kick them out of all the non Muslim countries, and contain them.
Quarantine them.
And make Islam and mosques illegal in the Western Hemisphere, the UK, and Europe.

We would only allow tourist and student visas, properly vetted of course, and economic trade.

Then arm the hell out of Black Africa and help them via advisers to fight the Muslims out of central and eastern Africa back to the
far north of Africa north of the Sahara Desert.

And probably should vaporize Mecca and Medina while we are at it.

THAT is how to deal with the Muslim problem, not stupid idiotic self defeating expensive futile land wars of mass invasion and occupation.

Last edited by WmHunter; 06/18/19 02:59 PM.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter