Originally Posted by bhammedic84
Originally Posted by JustHunt
Originally Posted by Peach
My son didn't play travel ball until he was 13 years old. (and that was for one year only) He ended up having a great D-1 career and turned down a top ten draft round pick out of high school. Make sure he is getting a lot of sound, fundamental reps. Travel ball can be a good thing later on because the competition level is usually stronger. Be patient and take him fishing. If he can play, it will come out in the wash!

THIS! I have a son that plays college ball. He started travel at 12. I wish he hadn’t. At that age the parents all get so worked up over winning that they will sacrifice their kids health to do so. Too much baseball is a bad thing. I can’t stress that enough. Let your kid just play local. When he’s about 14 they have showcase teams and if he’s good enough let him try out at one of those.

You said all the other kids at age 6 are playing in the dirt???? That’s exactly what mine did at age 6. He wasn’t very good. He cared more about goofing off than playing. When he got a little older he started caring and made progress in learning the game. You can’t learn the ga,e at 6 years old. Let it go and let him have fun. Odds on him being a superstar and signing a scholarship are slim anyway.

So now you want to tell me what my son can and can't learn?? My son tells the others this is not play time by game time and time to learn, so since you dont know my so dont tell me what the hell he can and cant learn. and NEVER tell someone what they kid may or may not be that is an a$%hole decision to make

sounds like he knows his dad likes baseball and wants to make him happy

We will burn that bridge when we get there