Originally Posted by hoggin
The problem that we have had since Korea (with only one large scale exception) is our military is required to play politics until people all over the world including here start thinking other countries have a shot against us. In Desert Storm we were told to kill people and break shucks until we couldn’t find anything else to kill or break, the results of that show what our warriors are ALWAYS capable of.

We got more results in Afghanistan in a month than Russia got the whole time they spent there and we kept the muzzle on our troops the whole time and still have it on the troops that are there to a large degree.

Never underestimate our fighting force or the ability or resolve they have to kill our enemies.

No 4 countries on this planet could withstand the hell we could bring to the table if the politicians get the he’ll out of the way and turn them loose. Our young men love killing the deserving in the defense of their brothers, families and country like no other group in existence and have since the first time an American went to war or we wouldn’t exist as a nation.

Truth. Our politicians would rather that we fight "tactical" wars instead of simply fighting to win.

If we ever decided to unleash no-holds-barred hell, and I'm not even talking about nukes, it would be brutal.

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?