Originally Posted by ridgestalker
Couple of MOABs in the center of Tehran for starters.

Then you kill innocent people - and guess what?
>The Iranian people are mostly great and nice people who like America and Americans.

Their government is the enemy not them.
They don't like their Ayotollah government.
They tried to have a revolution and get rid of it some years back.

Go and bomb them and then they will all hate us and they will all be our enemy - all 82 Million of them.


Scrubuck has a good point - can't trust anyone in reporting on this stuff.
Not even our own govt.
Israel would like us to do their dirty work.
So would the Saudis and other Gulf countries.

So would the damnable Neocon foreign policy click in the USA.

Last edited by WmHunter; 06/13/19 02:04 PM.

"The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson

" Chuck Sykes is a dictator control freak like Vladimir Putin " WmHunter